The full moon in expressive Gemini begins our week early Monday morning. The sun is in the opposite sign of adventure loving Sagittarius, closely accompanied by fiery Mars, while at the same time both the sun and the moon are squaring Saturn. Squares indicate challenging aspects in astrology. And when a planet squares Saturn, you can bet it adds a serious tone to the conversation!
Mercury, Gemini’s ruling planet is paving the way in front of the Sun & Mars also in the sign of Sagittarius, prompting us to ask that tough question, have the conversation, take initiative, reach out for help, do the research, etc. Whatever this is for you, be prepared to receive an answer or information that results in the removal of a blockage or obstacle that clears the air, or offers a solution, in an area of your life where you may have previously been feeling stuck or unsure.
Look how the ten of wands is pushing towards the eight of wands. The ten of wands indicates a heavy burden, responsibilities or putting in the work. The number ten signifies endings in the tarot. I often say that the ten of wands is the final lap of the race and/or the moment before a breakthrough. That is what I am seeing here.
Some of you may be ready to release some commitments from an already crowded plate. If you been shouldering more than your share of problems, workload & responsibilities, this week may give you the opportunity to speak up to ask for help, and/or to set healthy personal boundaries. The eight of wands indicates movement, change & communication. Be diplomatic, but firm, and you may be pleasantly surprised at the results.
Your words have power this week. Wield them responsibly and new doors will open for you!
Have a great week!